Kokusai Karate is an accredited club with the Scottish Karate Governing Body
Our aim to provide the highest quality coaching in both Sport and Traditional karate.
Club coaches
Billy Haggarty, 7th dan: level 3 SKGB coach, National kata coach. British Karate Federation Referee, European Karate Federation kata and kumite judge.
Stuart Mungall, 4th dan: Scottish kata champion, Scottish and British open kata champion (veterans section)
Adam Jess, 3rd dan: Scottish kata medalist & Irish open champion.
Heather McLaren, 2nd dan: Scottish & British kumite campion, British university champion and represented Scotland at World & European championships
Jo Allan, 2nd dan{ Scottish kata & kumite champion, British university champion and represented Scotland at World championships
Ania Surma, 2nd dan: under 21 Scottish kata & kumite champion,
We are affiliated to Karate Kai Scotland and the Scottish Karate Governing Body
Kids karate
We hope that our website will give you all the information you require about our club and answer any questions you may have.
If you would like more information please do not hesitate to contact us.
Clydebank sports centre
Tuesdays & Fridays
Junior class 6.00pm-7.15pm (minimum age 5 years)
Senior class 7.15pm-9.00pm
Class fees
One class per week - £15 per month
Two classes per week - £25 per month